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Sehrazat 1001

!Sehrazat Small Cut Pistachio Pismaniye 8.8 oz

!Sehrazat Small Cut Pistachio Pismaniye 8.8 oz

Regular price $3.50
Regular price Sale price $3.50
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Pismaniye is made from spun sugar and is often flavored with various ingredients. In this case, the addition of small cut pistachios adds a delightful nutty flavor and a crunchy texture to the sweet strands of sugar. Pismaniye is known for its delicate, airy texture that melts in your mouth. It is often enjoyed with tea or coffee as a special indulgence or offered as a gift during special occasions. Sehrazat Small Cut Pistachio Pismaniye offers a unique twist with the addition of pistachios, enhancing the flavor and providing a delightful contrast of textures.
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